Welcome to the KJ Tutors Senior Blog!
Issue 2
We hope that you have had a really good week; we cannot believe how fast the time is flying by. Here at Katie Jayne’s we have been busy keeping fit and learning new things. Hopefully you were able to take advantage of some of the useful information and links we provided last time. It would be great to find out what you have all been getting up to. Do get in touch with us to let us know what new things you have been learning, just email us at info@katiejayne.co.uk. We would love to include your stories in one of our blogs.
This week our regular feature ‘Feel the Burn’ introduces you to a new app which will help you with your workouts at home, while ‘Career Aspirations’ delves into the world of Google. Let us know what new apps, music, films and websites you have enjoyed so that we can share those with our readers.
And don’t forget to vote for your favourite biscuit, as mentioned last week. Thanks for joining us, till next time!

Resources for English
We thought some of the English resources available may be of some help to those of you studying English Literature and Language at GCSE level. Below we have added a number of helpful links to continue your learning. Use these resources alongside those given to you at school. We have a passion for English and love to talk about it! We hope that you do too!
Frankenstein Video of Plot Summary
Career Aspirations
This week we are delving into the world of Google! Did you know that Google provide a number of free online courses that you can take advantage of now? These courses will help to prepare you for the world of work, help you to understand how Google Analytics can impact on a business or help you to make a website work for you. Click the link below to start accessing Google’s measurement tools set up by the Google Analytics Education team. You can learn Analytics for beginners or for the more advanced and how to use analytics to track business performance and identify areas for improvement. You can also become familiar with BigQuery, Google Marketing Platform products, and Google Ad Manager or discover how Google Tag Manager can simplify the management process for marketers, analysts, and developers. If you are thinking of a career in this field step up and take the online courses to get yourself ahead of the game.
Good luck!
Competition Challenge
Have you ever walked amongst London’s beautiful buildings and wondered how the architect thought of the design? Or pondered over how the construction team got to work? If so, why not try out the Open City London
Junkitecture Challenge 2.
Key judging criteria: creative use of reused materials and creative engagement with your chosen character. The deadline is May 22nd 2020 (at the top of the page the date is listed as the 4th May 2020 but if you scroll to the bottom of the page the correct deadline date is listed).
Open City has some wonderful resources if you are interested in architecture, so why not check out their website.
Junkitecture – Challenge 2
Good luck!
Katie Jayne’s Interesting Fact:
This year will be the fifth year in a row that our wonderful team of tutors have achieved a 100% success rate in helping our students to secure places at their chosen school. We are so proud of our dedicated teachers and hardworking children.
Thought of the Week
The white-tailed eagle has been spotted in England for the first time in 240 years. With a wing-span of 2.5 metres – making it the UK’s largest bird of prey – this particular type of eagle has not been seen in England since 1780, despite some birds being spotted in Scotland until 1916! Think about how the human race can learn to live more effectively with nature. Let us know your thoughts by emailing us at info@katiejayne.co.uk.
Regular items……
Media Chart
The top releases are…!
Films & Series
‘Gotham’ the story of how Batman became the formidable crime fighter known as the Dark Knight is now available on Netflix.
‘If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know) is the new single from The 1975.
Memrise has had a new update and has been rated 4.7 out of 5. Turns learning languages into a game.
Feel the Burn
Try Peloton free for 30 days. Take advantage of classes in over ten disciplines including; Outdoor, Stretching, Walking, Cycling, Running, Strength, Yoga, Bootcamp, Cardio and Meditation.

Education Activity
‘Kind of Book UK’ promise to find the best eBook promotions for your Kindle, tablet, smartphone or computer on a daily basis, for free or heavily discounted prices (up to -90%). Why not download some of the books that you might be learning during your English Literature lessons next term.
Kind of Book for Books at great prices
To continue with your language practice try the newly updated app – Memrise. Click on the button above to link you to the app.
STEM Activity – The Great Exhibition
Explore the wonderful world of technology and inventions with the The Great Exhibition. Illuminate basic principles in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with this great activity… Get involved yourself or encourage your school to take part! Get going and good luck!
BBC Bitesize Topics KS3 Maths – Algebra
Take lessons, practice improvisation pieces, playalong tracks, licks and riffs and chord charts. Impress your music teacher with something you have learnt.
www.8notes.com Music Practice