Welcome to the Katie Jayne Tutors Junior Blog Issue Number 13.
Superstition states that because this is blog number 13 something untoward may happen. Keep your eyes peeled during this edition and let us know when you notice a spelling mistake or something that looks a little odd. It could be the wrong picture with an article or something that looks out of place. Have some fun with us and write in to tell us what you spot!
Good Luck!
Of course we still have our usual mix of great activities and educational resources for you, so take a look. This week we have a great feature which will make you laugh, ‘What do you Want to be When you grow up?’ and three great books to read for all ages.
Enjoy the next couple of weeks and we shall see you soon.

Do you know what you want to be when you up grow?
Not many of us know what job we would like to do when we are old enough to go out to work, some of us dream of becoming a dancer or a footballer or nurse or a scientist. Perhaps you have a hobby that you would like to turn into a job when you are old enough. Do you want to be the next generation of engineers or teachers?
You have plenty of time to decide and you may change your mind as you grow older, but we thought it would be fun if you were to take this quiz to see which job you may choose linked to Science, Maths, Engineering and Technology.
Or try this quiz which looks at your answers and picks the job that it feels suits your answers (it does not mean that you will become a doctor or a train driver as your real life situation may be very different- but it is good fun).
Apparently I am going to be the Prime Minister as I am very organized and know what I am doing. I know what to do and think deeply when there is a problem. I am likely to grow up to be a businessman/woman and own a big company and become very wealthy off of it. I may even become the prime minister or be in the supreme court. How funny!! Some of that is true… I studied Law at University, I run my own business (which is very small and has not made me wealthy but I love it!) but I have no ambition to the PM – thank you!
Give it a go and see what results you get,
Have fun.

Katie Jayne’s Book Club
A young man really inspired the Duchess of Cornwall this week by reading more than 50 books during lock down. Read his story here.
Aged 6+
‘A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea’ written by Jessica Law and read by Angelica Bell.
Aged 8+
‘The World’s Worst Children’ by David Walliams. Delightful stories to fill you with dread, download for free onto a kindle.
Aged 11+
Dan Freedman talks about his new book ‘Unstoppable’. Watch this short video in conversation with the author himself.
The book is a thrilling twisting, exciting tale about twins who fall out with each other but the twins have secrets which could damage everything.
Gripping, twisting and real; this book is UNSTOPPABLE. We found this book cheapest at Amazon price £3.32.

Summer Mash Up competition. You will need to register and then answer a few questions to enter. Joe, Harpz and Stanley have fun filled mayhem with their guests – join them. The competition closes on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 at 10.00am.
Cook’s Corner
Layered Salad
We made our layered salad with the ingredients below, but you can change any item to something else that you and your family love. Place your salad in a lovely glass bowl or jar so that you can see all of the different colours and ingredients.
350g pasta shapes
200g green beans, trimmed and chopped into short lengths
160g can cooked Salmon in olive oil, drained
4 tbsp mayonnaise
4 tbsp natural yogurt
½ small pack chives,
snipped (optional)
200g cherry tomatoes, quartered
1 orange pepper cut into little cubes
195g can sweetcorn, drained
Cook the pasta until it is still a little al dente (2 minutes less than the pack instructions) and drain well. Cook the green beans in simmering water for 2 minutes, then rinse in cold water and drain well. Mix the salmon with the mayonnaise and yogurt. Add the chives, if using.
Tip the pasta into a large glass bowl or four small ones, or four wide-necked jars (useful for taking on picnics). Spoon the salmon dressing over the top of the pasta. Add a layer of green beans, followed by a layer of cherry tomatoes, then the pepper and sweetcorn. Cover and chill until you are ready to eat.
Walk On The Wild Side
Because our Cook’s Corner recipe looked so good this week, we decided to pack up a picnic made up of our layered salads, cold pizza and cupcakes then set about our walk. We found a great walk near us where you can stop and have a picnic on route. The views were amazing and we even saw some Belted Galloway Cattle.
If you are not sure where to walk, try the National Trust website where you can find some amazing heathland walks, dramatic coastal walks or some walks with fabulous views. Remember to book in advance!
We tracked our walk which was 2.6 miles and we found some gorgeous baby toads, we nearly trod on them because they were so small. Can you spot the toad in our picture below.