Issue 3
We have had a couple of brilliant drawings and photographs sent in to us this week from a few of our readers. Holly’s drawing stood out because it sends a positive message from a character that we love, Spiderman! He happens to be dressed in his blue NHS uniform and we loved the wonderfully bright blue and red colours that jump off the page. We also wanted to celebrate Holly’s plan to draw every single day, practicing her skills. Really fab job Holly!
You can see more of Holly’s artwork on her instagram page: Holly’s Art

Pet Portrait
Some of you may already know that at Katie Jayne Tutors the resident cat is the wonderful Clawdia Winklecat. Clawdia is usually seen around the office, often curled up in her basket, but today we were lucky enough to have some help with the paperwork from Monkey Dunkey. As you can see from this photograph Monkey seems to be taking her work very seriously indeed!
It would really make our day if you could send us some photographs of your pet helping you with your school work. Ask a parent or older sibling to email us a picture of your beloved animal friend so that we can feature them in our Animal Gallery along with the photos from our pet loving team of tutors..

Katie Jayne’s Interesting Fact
This year will be the fifth year in a row (since the company started) that our wonderful team of tutors have achieved a 100% success rate in helping our students to secure places at their chosen school. We are so proud of our dedicated teachers and hardworking children.
Thought for the Week
Take a photograph of your pet, or if you do not have a pet draw a picture of your favourite animal and send it in to us. We love our pooches and feline friends and we are sure you do too!

Cook’s Corner
French Stick Pizza
1 French stick (or enough for you & your family)
Your favourite cheese, grated
1 onion, sliced
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
Optional toppings: Pineapple chunks, olives, salami, basil, bacon, pepperoni and any other pizza topping you like.
Cut your French stick into manageable lengths.
Slice the lengths through the middle (ask an adult to help).
Place your French stick lengths on to a grill pan and place under the heat to slightly toast.
Remove from the grill and top your French stick with the chopped tomatoes, then add the onion and cheese.
Place the grill pan back under the heat until the cheese starts to melt.
Remove from the grill and add your chosen toppings.
Place the grill pan back under the heat until your toppings are nicely cooked.
Your French stick pizzas are now ready to eat…. Be careful they will be really hot but incredibly tasty.
Walk On The Wild Side
Each day we are seeing more and more beautiful butterflies in our garden; such a variety of colours and with the most wonderful names like Orange Tip, Red Admiral and Holly Blue. To help turn your ‘WOWs’ into a flutter in the park, why don’t you stop for a short time and sit on a park bench. If you sit quietly you may be lucky enough to see some butterflies gently flap past you, going about their daily business (usually this consists of them collecting nectar from their favourite flowers). If you do not recognise the butterflies you see, be sure to write down what colours, spots and markings they were carrying on their wings. When you get home use this handy butterfly identification page to help you work out the name of your butterfly.
Educational Activity
Music to my ears!
Here you can take lessons, practice new pieces, play along tracks, licks and riffs and chord charts. Impress your music teacher or family with something you have learnt.
Audible stories for free.
Click on the link and choose a category that suits you, we suggest Littlest Listeners and Folk and Fairy Tales.
STEM Activities for Primary Children
Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math? If so, why not get involved in the First Lego League Junior: Lego League
Or you can design and create a building of your own for Boom Town. Click on the link to find out how: BoomTown Building