Introduction to our guest blogger Christian Steinmeier
Christian has loved animals from a very young age and got the families first dog, when he was 4 or 5 years old and still in kindergarten. The golden retriever was called Bosse and he was a good friend for Christian during his childhood. Christian took him literally everywhere and it was fun for him when they were in the woods together with groups of Christian’s friends building tree houses. But mostly Bosse enjoyed bathing behind a dam that the children used to build in a small river down in the fields not far from his hometown.
Christian went on to study Economics in Bielefeld, Germany and got into the field of online marketing. After graduation, he worked as a full-time SEO for different companies. Now Christian is self-employed doing some freelance work and running websites in the German market. Koalapets was born because he wanted to build a new site around a topic that he loved.
Perhaps you wonder why there is “Koala” in the website’s name when it’s about pets in general? It’s not only because koalas are sweet and fluffy. As marsupials koala mothers take care of their babies in a very loving way. That said they never seem to be stressed and are just “chilled” and mindful. As humans, we should develop these qualities when acting with our pets and animals in general. Koalapets can help you achieve this goal by serving information about pet care and good quality products.
Koalapets is for you if:
You love your pet and want to care in the best and most responsible way you can.
You want to focus on moments you are sharing with your pets.
You want equipment advice based on customer experience and not commercial sales pages.
You are environmentally conscious and want to be a good neighbour to the animals in your surroundings.

Why rats make a great first pet
Rats? Yes, really rats! Unfortunately, these small and furry animals have a bad reputation. But those who spend some time to learn about the litter critters will surely know that they can make great first pets.
In contrast to the picture we have of rats from movies and books, they are very clean and friendly pets. You can even litter train them like a cat or dog and that makes cleaning the cage a lot easier and faster.
The first days with a new pet are special and thrilling, not only for the new owner.
It might be, that rats hide in a cozy place they build from soft bedding in their cage. Additionally, they might not be comfortable being held or touched. But usually, this behaviour goes away after a few days when they get used to their new surroundings.
You will even notice, that every rat has its own personality just like us humans. Some rats are shy but adventurous while other ones are bossy and outgoing. It is fun to watch how different personalities react in the same situations.
Most rats even enjoy human companionship so much, that they can’t get enough of it. That is, of course, not for everyone but if you are the type of person who wants to play with pets it might be the right fit. Rats are so intelligent, that you can even teach them tricks like:
jumping through hoops
coming when called by name
doing a parcours
and much more.
Where the fun is, there is always at least some kind of commitment. Rats need a lot of care compared to their small size. It starts with their craving for attention as mentioned above. They really need to spend one or two hours out of their cage every day. If they can’t get their activity and playtime it is easy for rats to get bored. And if they get bored frequently, rats will start to chew through their cage and get lethargic.
This is the reason, why rats should be kept in pairs of two at a minimum. So they have a buddy of their own species to play with when you are at school or away with your friends and family.
Of course, rat care means not only playing with your pet, the cage has to be cleaned once a week and they need to be served with fresh food and water every day. But you can do every task on your own and your Mom and Dad don’t have to worry or do these things for you.
Why don’t you take a look at Christian’s website Koala Pets to find out more and to read some interesting facts about other, well-loved pets.
While you are at it…. don’t forget to send us a picture of your pet for our end of year Pets Gallery….info@katiejayne.co.uk