Hopefully the information above has given you an idea of how the exam process will work this year. Keeping on top of this for your child is so helpful for them right now. They may feel disheartened and may have taken their foot of off the gas pedal in regards to study. We have heard many parents say, “my child feels as though there is no point to revision now or concentrating in class”. Well this could not be further from the truth. Read on…
Preparation Preparation Preparation…
Your child should treat this year in exactly the same way as any other school year. Preparation is key as is finishing coursework, revising etc. They should continue to pay attention, attend school, complete classwork to the highest standard possible. Their work will be used as verification for their grading. Showing their peers and mentors that they are trying hard to achieve is so important. The 18th of June is the key date to remember here as this is the date when grade assessments will be take place.
It might be wise for your child to talk to their teacher, as it will be the teachers decision on how to grade your child. Get them to ask about any points they should be focusing on and don’t forget your child’s teacher can use the following to grade work:
Records of progress and performance/exam questions/tests/mocks/records of capability/test papers/coursework
In class they will be set more tests than usual, so it is important for them to keep up with work, finalise coursework and make sure that they are prepared. Your child should still:
x revise
x memorise concepts
x be ready for short assessments
and make sure your child is familiar with exam board assessments.
Appeals Process and how to use it
This year A-Level results will be published on Tuesday the 10th of August. GCSE results will be published on Thursday the 12th of August.
The appeal process is available but it is important to know what is involved in the appeals process so take a look here
Arm yourself with as much information as you can. Feel free to use these helpful links, they will have up to date information which you can refer to going forward.
England- Information on exam changes from Ofqual
Scotland– Latest news on exam changes from SQA
Wales– Information on exam changes from the Welsh government
Northern Ireland– Latest news from the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment