Welcome to the KJ Tutors Senior Blog!
Issue 3
What a fantastic bank holiday weekend! Hopefully some of you managed to get involved in some of the wonderful VE day celebrations that took place on Friday 8th May. Roads near us were lined with families celebrating in their own front gardens with flags, picnics and music from the 1940’s and 1950’s, with many dressing up in vintage costume. If you and your family celebrated in this way please send us some photographs, we would love to see them. We would love to include your stories in one of our blogs, just email us at info@katiejayne.co.uk. We have been sent some wonderful video footage of the Red Arrows flying over Surrey in the formation of a number 75 and houses adorned with bunting….
Our feature this week comes from the Institute of Engineering and Technology and any student aged between 7 and 15 years old can take part either alone, with their school or with family members. The challenge asks young people to see if they can assist in helping people around the world in times of need, working in the way engineers do to design a new product. The brief and guidelines are highlighted below in this week’s feature article. The winner could be featured on the IET website. Take a look below!
Thanks again for joining us, till next time!
The Virtual Faraday Challenge
Why not get involved with the Virtual Faraday Challenge, hosted by the Institute of Engineering and Technology.
The brief for the challenge is in the link below. Those taking part have to demonstrate that they have the engineering and design skills required to think of a solution and produce a design for a new product that will help people around the world in times of need.
This is a chance for young people to get creative, there is no time limit. Entries need to be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation following the guidance in the brief. The best entries will receive a prize from the Institute of Engineering and Technology and may even feature on their website.
You can encourage your friends to take part and perhaps even ask your Science or Design teacher if your class can try this as a whole team challenge; or maybe you have very creative family members who want to get involved!
We would love to see your ideas so don’t forget to let us know how you get on. Good luck to all you budding designers and engineers, let your imagination go!
Career Aspirations
After many years of teaching children, we know that you may not have found out what it is that you would like to do for a career. Some students know from a young age that they are destined to be a doctor, saving lives and caring for people. Whilst others have a burning ambition to embed themselves within the sciences, working for a research company looking to find a cure for cancer. But for many this is not the case. We think that the best way to find out what it is that you would like to study at university is to take a look at many different courses, talk to those people within your social circle who already do that job, chat to your careers advisor or write to a company and ask for work experience…you may find out that an apprenticeship is the way forward for you. Whichever route you choose, information is a powerful tool to help you make that decision and start to take your first steps forward on your journey.
We have found an amazing list of free online courses provided by over 30 of the world’s top universities. Why not take advantage of these… sign up to a free course today before you make up your mind about where you would like your future to head. Below I have listed a few of the free courses but the choice is fantastic, with access to most subjects ranging from Architecture to Philosophy and Languages…. Take a look! You might surprise yourself.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Astophysics Exploring Exoplanets
Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes
Linear Algebra – From Foundations to Frontiers
Good luck!
Competition Challenge
Are you good at drawing? Do you often draw new designs and imagine them working in the real world? If so, why not try out the National Geographic Formula E Racing Car Design Competition.
The Envision Virgin Racing Team and their Race Against Climate Change program are looking to protect the planet. Formula E cars reach speeds of up to 280kmph. Maybe you are missing the sound of the Formula 1 & Formula E racing cars thundering around the track? Or maybe you just love to draw and design new things.
The competition is to design and draw your own Formula E racing car that is inspired by something that you love about the planet. National Geographic have partnered with Envision Virgin Racing to give the winner the opportunity to: see their design on a REAL Formula E car, two tickets to an ABB Formula E race in 2021, a signed copy of their drawing, a personalised message from a professional racing driver, plus a FREE subscription to National Geographic Kids.
All you need to do is draw your own Formula E car, take a picture and submit it at the website on the link below:
Competition: Racing Car Design
To help here is a basic video on how to draw a racing car:
How to Draw A Racing Car Video
Good luck!
Katie Jayne’s Interesting Fact:
More children are improving their skills during lockdown by taking on an extra class with one of our tutors, taking advantage of the time you now have to get ahead of the pack. Additional learning is a great motivator to improve your grades and advance your understanding of a subject. #lovelearning

Thought of the Week
‘It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things!’
Let us know about your accomplishments this week. Email us at info@katiejayne.co.uk.
Regular items……
Media Chart
The top releases are…!
Films & Series
Sticking with our racing car theme ‘Le Mans ’66’ is the story of how Ferrari and Ford fought for supremacy on the Le Mans track, following the driver Ken Miles as he designs and creates one of the fastest racing cars of the time, with the legend Carroll Shelby. You may know Carroll Shelby by his genius automotive design that led to the building of the Ford Shelby AKA ‘Eleanor’ from the film ‘Gone in 60 Seconds’.
We cannot ignore the wonderful pairing of Ariana Grande and Justin Beiber with their new release Stuck With You.
‘Houseparty’ has run steadily up the charts since lockdown, with more teenagers using the app week on week. A great free and safe way to connect with your friends. Enjoy!
Feel the Burn
After the Government’s announcement on Sunday releasing the restrictions slightly on our power to move around and exercise, with parental agreement you could start an outdoor exercise regime with your family. Why not exercise by walking to your local park, take a bat and ball or some badminton racquets and have a family game. Enjoy getting out, get some fresh air and have a change of scene. We decided on a game of short cricket – a slightly shorter version of the game but it definitely got us out of breath….

Education Activity
The Wonders of the Molecular World
The Wonders of the Molecular World Talk
The Beautiful, Mysterious Science Of How You Hear

Delve into the world of our hearing…..How does our ear turn the decimal signals into a full auditory experience…
The Beautiful, Mysterious Science of How You Hear Talk
GCSE – Math
The Perimeter and Area of 2D Shapes
GCSE English
Writing about Structure.