Transition into Secondary School (For younger Seniors)
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the transition from primary school to secondary school will be happening a little differently. You will have many questions and concerns and we wanted to help you with those. You are probably wondering what secondary school will be like. Will you know anyone? What will your new teachers be like? Where will you need to go ? Will you get lost?
We have listed a few helpful videos here that will help you with some of your concerns, but if you have a specific question please feel free to write in to us and ask. We would love to help with your transition so get in touch. You will not be the only one worrying, so relax and read on.
The BBC has put together some really useful and helpful hints to get you through those first few days. Take a look.
All about making friends.
Follow a Year 7 pupil around for the day to see what you could expect when you go to school. Alfie.
Secondary school teachers – myths.
Top Five Tips to do Before School
Practise the route to school in advance.
Arrange a get together with fellow pupils.
Talk about your worries with your parents.
Make sure you are happy in your school uniform, it may feel weird at first but wear it with pride.
Make sure you have all of the right supplies. Take a look at the school’s website.
Standard Equipment:
Generously sized pencil case.
Blue or black rollerball pens/biros: buy in bulk and have at least two in your pencil case at a time.
Handwriting pen or fountain pen (with extra cartridges if needed).
Highlighters: ideally four different colours.
HB pencils: buy in bulk.
Pencil sharpener.
30cm ruler (folding ones take less space and are less likely to snap).
Ink eraser or correction fluid.
Lastly, help with social distancing and understanding what is expected of you will make you to feel more comfortable at school. Your individual school will send out information that relates directly to you and your school, but below we have added a few points that will keep you and your school friends safe.
Handwashing and Personal Hygiene
There are general principles you can follow to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, including:
Washing your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after you blow your nose, sneeze or cough, before and after you eat or touch food and when you return home from being outside.
If soap and water is not available you should use a hand sanitiser, but this should not replace proper hand washing.
Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Avoiding any contact with people who have symptoms of coronavirus. (They should be isolating if they show symptoms).
By following this guidance, you are helping to protect yourself, your family, the NHS and your community.
Whichever school you are due to start in September we wish you all the very best of luck and enjoy the experience.