4th July
With cinemas and museums set to re-open on Saturday 4th July, we take a look at what shows and exhibitions are available to you and how you can travel safely to and from the venues. With venues having remained closed to the public since March this is a huge step in the relaxing of the Corona Virus lock down rules. The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has reduced the two metre distancing rule to one metre, allowing venues to open whilst still creating a safe environment for its visitors. We take a look at a few of the museums and what they have available for you at the moment to take a look at from home and what may be on offer from the 4th July.
The Victoria and Albert Museum is located in Cromwell Road, London, SW7 2RL. Admission is free, although you may need to pay a little extra for some of the special exhibitions. Their current exhibitions include: The Glastonbury Festival Archive, Theatre and Performance, Illustration and Art Deco. Keep an eye on their website to see what their opening hours will be as of July 4th. The safest way to travel up to London at the moment is by car. If you can ask an adult to take you, this means that you do not have to travel on public transport. There is a car park tucked behind Harrods called the London Pavilion or there is another called the London Cadogan. These car parks can also be used to access The Natural History Museum. Once parked it is a short ten minute walk up the Brompton Road towards Cromwell Road.
The Natural History Museum is a little further along Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD. Here you can take in the British Wildlife Exhibition, Dinosaurs Discovery Exhibition or take a look at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. You can search for species and collections from over 8 million specimens. So much to do and see, well worth a visit.
Along Exhibition Road in Kensington you will find the Science Museum, showing the WonderLab which is an interactive gallery, the Wellcome Galleries which takes you on the journey of medicine and a new gaming event called Power Up.
Mulan, Wonder Woman 1984, A Quiet Place, Black Widow and Soul are all due to be released over the coming months. We are still waiting to hear how the cinemas will open, what this means for you and how you can safely attend a film screening. It is safe to say that many venues will ask visitors to either wear a mask or keep to the one metre social distance. This is a good time to make sure that you have a mask. If you still need to get a mask look online or perhaps you can try making one yourself.
The same safety precautions should also be taken when travelling to the cinema. The safest way to arrive is by personal car rather than public transport. Perhaps you can walk to your local cinema?
Wherever you intend to visit, make sure that you and your family are all happy to make the journey and that you feel happy with the social distancing in place with the venue.
Have fun and stay safe.

Career Aspirations
Ever thought about training to become a teacher? Perhaps you feel that you are really good at teaching others, or maybe you are so enthused by a subject that you would like to teach others so that they to can get that same buzz from topics that you love.
To teach in a state school in England, you must have a degree, and gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) by following a programme of Initial Teacher Training (ITT). You must have achieved minimum requirements in GCSE English, Maths, and Science if you wish to teach at primary level. You can teach in independent schools, academies, and free schools in England without QTS, but it’s a definite advantage to have it.
The teaching profession looks for the highest quality candidates, so you’ll need to meet the following requirements before you can be accepted for a training programme. Some training programmes have many more applications than places available, so their requirements might be higher.
For postgraduate teacher training programmes, you’ll need to hold an undergraduate degree awarded by a higher education provider in England or Wales, or a recognised equivalent qualification.
You’ll need to have achieved a standard equivalent to grade C/4, or above, in the GCSE examinations in English and Mathematics.
If you intend to train to teach pupils aged 3 – 11 (Early Years and Primary), you must also have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade C/4, or above, in a GCSE Science subject examination.
Fees and Funding
Scholarships – for certain in-demand subjects, you can apply for a tax-free scholarship to support your training. Visit Get Into Teaching to find out more.
Bursaries – tax-free bursaries are available for training to teach a range of subjects. The level of funding and eligibility will vary depending on the subject you choose to teach, and your degree classification. For more information, visit Get Into Teaching.
Salaried training – School Direct and Teach First are employment-based training programmes. You will earn a salary while you train and won’t need to pay any tuition fees. Find out more about the different school-based programmes.
Tuition fee and maintenance loans – postgraduate and undergraduate trainees are entitled to the same student finance. If you’re looking to train on a non-salaried programme, and you’re not eligible to receive a bursary or scholarship, you can still apply for a student loan to cover your training programme fees and living costs. Find out more from Student Finance England.
Helpful Associations:
NEC – National Extension College can help you achieve higher grades if you do not quite manage to get the grades needed.
UCAS – Teacher training entry requirements and other helpful information.
NEU – National Education Union.

‘A Day In The Life Of A Teacher’
With never a dull moment and no two days being the same, the life of a teacher is varied and fulfilling. This is not a typical day, but a day in the life of a primary school teacher.
I arrive at school in the darkness, with my arms full of Year 3 exercise books. In my head I run through the days activities: assembly preparation, numeracy, literacy, bit of science and homework collection.
Primary teaching has very little to do with playing.
At Primary level there are six data drops in the year and my students’ books are constantly being checked to see where progress is being made.
That said, we do manage to have some fun.
What makes a good teacher?
Making The Day Special
I never cease to be amazed by my pupils’ enthusiasm and spirit – or by their relentless need to eat and chat about whatever they find, sweets on the floor, leaves off a bush, a rubber they find on my desk… even their own pencil cases.
Primary-aged children are lovely because they’re so unselfconscious. In Year 3, their genuine excitement about the simplest things really rubs off on you.
There is plenty of magic around quite ordinary everyday things: learning how to skip, learning the words to a new song.
What does your lesson preparation involve?
I am very much like a swan when it comes to planning, I look very relaxed and chilled on the surface but underneath the water my feet are flapping around nineteen to the dozen. Every resource that I produce has to be suitable for the different abilities and needs of my pupils.
It is also a priority that my pupils make as much progress as possible.
Who do you work with?
The team of Year 3 teachers and most of my planning is done with the year three team.
I also work with colleagues including: SENCO, learning support assistants (LSAs) and higher-level teaching assistants (HLTAs), the PE support team and the modern foreign languages (MFL) teachers, the Head, the support and office staff and of course, the parents.

Katie Jayne’s Interesting Facts
Katie became a qualified teacher in 2006 and received her degree in English and Psychology before completing her Post Graduate Certificate of Education at the University of Exeter.
Previously Head of Lower School for an International School in Austria, Katie has worked with families from all over the world throughout her teaching career. Not only has she taught in several countries, but she has also taught in both the state and independent sector here in the U.K, giving her a depth of knowledge and understanding of the education system which supersedes many. She is an experienced private tutor and has been recognized in many circles as the ‘go to’ person to provide quality, qualified tutors.
Teaching has been a life long love for Katie and she hopes to continue her career within education for many years to come. Katie thoroughly recommends teaching as a profession as she has made many friends, helped hundreds of children and had fun along the way.

Thought For The Week
For many pupils this may be the last week of term, with lots of schools shutting up for the summer as of tomorrow. I am sure that this end of year will feel a little like a non – event this year, but you do still have the summer holidays to look forward to. No Zoom lessons for a while and no home learning. I know that many of you will continue to study to ensure that you are ready for the academic year ahead, so I wish you luck with that. But, our thought for the week is this… how about making or sending your teacher an e-message or card to say thank you for their hard work this year? Many teachers have been juggling a home life, teaching their own children, looking after loved ones, teaching on Zoom or Google classroom and still managing to motivate and inspire pupils…. a thank you from you and your classmates would be a wonderful way to end the year.
Media Chart
The top releases are…..
Films and Series
‘Wonder Woman 1984′ was released on the 5th June and has been very popular, a highlight of DC’s comic book movie slate. The new film is set in the 80’s, which explains the killer soundtrack for the trailer. Most importantly, original director Patty Jenkins remains in the chair for this sequel, and needless to say Gal Gadot returns in the lead role too. A really good watch.
The current number one is “SGE Kash – Drippy” with the number two slot taken by “Rockstar” by DaBaby featuring Roddy Ricch.
Bounden is a new app for two players. The players hold either end of a device, you tilt the device around a virtual sphere following a path of rings. You swing your arms and twist your body, and before you know it, you are already dancing.
‘Feel The Burn’
This week we look at exercises specifically designed for teenagers. You can get diet tips, follow a thirty day workout, consider weight training and make exercise fun with the WebMD site. WebMD is a medically backed site for all manner of health issues. A site that Doctors use and write.
Educational Activity
Nikon are running a virtual landscape tour and you can attend free of charge, but places are limited so hurry!
During this Nikon School Online session, you will see the amazing locations and photography that Northumberland has to offer. You will be discussing the photography techniques used, camera settings and editing techniques to get the best from your equipment.
Interested in taking on a course in Analytical Science? If so why not take a look at this free course looking at the ‘Secrets of the Mary Rose’.
Writing Skills
Writing is a pleasure and this free course gives lots of top tips on how to hone your writing skills for screenplays.
Physical Exercise
Are you a ballet dancer, do you need some motivation to carry out a class? click on the link here and you will be taken into a class with the Ballet Coach. Good luck!
Fitbod weight lifting trainer app, helps you to tone and build muscle safely.