Monday 18th, was Brew Monday where celebrit-teas joined thousands of people coming together for a cuppa, a chat and to banish the winter blues. Brew Monday’s new report shows that young people aged 16 to 24 and younger, report feeling lonely more often than older age groups. This day is to inspire you to reach out to someone, let them know that you feel may be feeling lonely and together we can help tackle what can be a source of anguish and upset for those suffering. This excellent idea was brought about after the Samaritans carried out research with school age children. Watch their domino effect video here.
If you know anyone who is lonely and does not have anyone to talk to they can call the Samaritans on 116 123.

Squirrels are literally nuts…
but in the nicest possible way! We did our research and discovered that the very comical squirrel plants a lot of seeds and nuts, digs up previously planted ones, and aerates your lawn with holes all at the same time. Their chattering, tail-flicking, and treetop acrobatics keep us all entertained.
Squirrels are extremely intelligent, they can use previous experiences to solve problems of the present day. Squirrels are practical, when you put worse quality food in the squirrel feeder than in the bird feeder, they will use the latter. While burying the seeds, some squirrels use a ‘special tactic’ to protect their caches from others. They pretend to bury a seed in a place, leaving it in fact empty.
Squirrels use their intelligence also in fighting predators. Some squirrel species build many nests and move (often with their young) to confuse the predator. Take a read of the research that has shown that squirrels are far smarter than most people realise.
We took at look at the National Squirrel Federation and the Interactive Centre for Research into Squirrels and we found some great ideas on how to interact with your own garden squirrels. You can appreciate squirrels and still put them through their paces. Sign your local squirrels up to the Animal Olympics by creating an obstacle course. The Squirrels will always try to reach your birdseed, even if it is in a squirrel proof bird feeder. Set up a set of ropes or branches that lead to your bird feeder and then watch as your little darling squirrels make their way to the food source, this could be very entertaining. Do you need some inspiration? Try using your washing line to attach some small homemade monkey bars too, just like the ones you see at the park or in the gym.
Squirrels have amazing jumping abilities, mostly due to the fact that if they do fall and land on the ground their bones do not crack in the same way ours would, so they tend to just jump back up and continue with their naughtiness. Squirrels can jump 10 times the length of their bodies.
We feel as though we know our little furry friends much better than we did before…