A message from Cathy Salvi our guest counsellor….
Hello everyone and welcome back,
September was the beginning of a new journey for teachers and students alike. For the first time in our lifetime the academic year began with uncertainty and unbelievable changes. The school environment changed beyond all recognition: one-way systems, markings on the ground telling us which way to walk, invasive and eradicating choice, hand sanitiser on display, everyone wearing face masks and visors. A new normality becoming ever so clear. A stark reality that we are still in the grip of a global pandemic.
Yet again the role of the educator is the guiding hand for our young people. As regulations change our landscape we have been asked to ‘go above and beyond’ to ensure the curriculum is delivered and standards maintained. Our work-loads increase as the week’s slip by, students’ stress levels mounting as we try to fill their learning gaps.
But what about OUR stress levels? Here are some helpful tips that might support you in your workplace.
Talk to colleagues and friends,
Use open questions e.g. what, how, tell me more, when and who,
Talk about your wellbeing openly and freely,
Show your colleague you truly care. When people feel cared about, they feel safe and this is likely to minimise their flight or fight or stress hormones,
Use active listening skills; summarise or paraphrase e.g. it sounds like..,
Show empathy e.g. it sounds like you are having a difficult time with no one to support you..,
Ask open questions e.g. tell me more about your problem…,
Good body language is very important e.g. maintain eye contact,
Hold back from making a comment,
‘The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change’ – Carl Rogers
The above quote is from the infamous Carl Rogers who has never been more significant to our lives.
Believe you can and then you are halfway there. Take good care of you, Cathy Coombs Director of SLCC