Issue 4
What a great week! With the VE Day celebrations, National Nurse Day, the announcement that some Primary School children might be returning to class in June and Captain Tom Moore has raised an incredible £32,796,450 for the NHS, what better news could we ask for to keep us all going? We hope that you enjoy this week’s edition of our Junior Blog. Please write in and tell us what has kept you going over the last eight weeks.
Until next time,
Wild Art Competition 2020
All you need to do to enter is to create a piece of art inspired by nature. Use your imagination and let it run WILD!
There are two categories to choose from this year: REAL LIFE – entries using the more traditional approach of paints, pastels, acrylics, pens or pencil and our new GO WILD category – for those of you who want to ‘go wild’ in every sense of the word. To enter this category, experiment with textiles, sculpture, recycled and eco-friendly materials, collages – anything goes!
It is really easy to enter, just email a photo of your artwork to with the heading WildArt 2020 Competition, and don’t forget to put your age and category selection on your work! Shortlisted artists will be notified after the closing date.
WildArt is split into three age groups: under 8’s, 8-12, and 13 years and over. Good luck all you budding artists!

Katie Jayne’s Interesting Fact
We have had some wonderful feedback about our teachers and wanted to share that with you and say ‘thank you’ to our great team!
“I have been very impressed with Katie Jayne Tutors, it really helped to boost Lucy’s confidence, and has definitely helped her to achieve some fantastic results. Our teacher was diligent, patient, and he was very focussed with Lucy. We are very grateful for his help. We will definitely be in touch in about 18 months to help our younger daughter”. Linda, London.
Thought for the Week
It looks as though you will be looking forward to going back to school in June. A time to see your friends and enjoy learning in a classroom again. Think about the things you have missed about being at school and draw a picture to give to your teacher when you return.
Cook’s Corner
This week we thought you may like to choose one of the recipes from TASTY. Click on the link below and look at the recipes. We chose the fabulous Pineapple Sorbet. A two-ingredient recipe and you can interchange fruits, swapping the pineapple for kiwi, blackberry and peach.
1 lb frozen pineapple (455 g), chunks
1 tablespoon honey
Blend all the ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender until thoroughly combined.
Pour into a rectangular old ice cream tub and smooth into an even layer.
Freeze for 2 hours, or until frozen. Let it sit out at room temperature for about 5-10 minutes before scooping, Finally, scoop into a bowl.

Walk on The Wild Side
Walk My Walk
Get together with your friends and plan a day for your family Walk on the Wild Side. You set out with your family from a planned starting point half an hour or an hour before your friends. During your walk stop every so often and leave very small coloured ribbons on a tree, bush, gate etc. These ribbons will direct your friends to follow your route.
Your friends then set off on their family walk, starting at the same point that you did an hour before. They follow your ribbons collecting them on the way. This is a fun way to share a walk with friends whilst keeping safely apart. The ribbons are then ready for your friends to use next time. Then it will be their turn to take the first walk, placing ribbons for you to follow and collect.
‘WOWs’ are so much fun. We really hope you enjoy this the ‘Walk My Walk’. Why don’t you take photographs of you and your family at each ribbon point and send it to your friends on WhatsApp as a clue of where the trail leads. Have fun!

Educational Activity
Story Time
Listen to the story of Arnie the Doughnut as he makes his way from the kitchen and steps into his new life. Read by Chris O’Dowd.
What Causes Cavities
This five-minute video by Mel Rosenberg explains why we get cavities and what you can do to stop them.
Weather and Climate from Q Files Encyclopaedia
Find out why weather plays such an important part in our lives. Why predicting the weather is so important and how weather forecasters gather information from satellites and space stations?

Find out what happens in a volcanic eruption. Find out what stratovolcano, igneous rock and magma is and what happens to a volcano when it is said to be active. There are at least 1500 active volcanoes above sea level around the world, with possibly more than 10,000 active volcanoes under the oceans. Discover how we track them and what we have learnt from their eruptions.