Issue 6
This week has flown by so quickly and today would be the first day of the second half of the summer term. The summer term always holds many of our most favourite activities, let us hope that we are all back to school as soon as possible.
A few of you have been sending in some lovely photographs of the things that you have seen whilst out on your family walks. We have received pictures of flowers, grasses and the animals that you have come across. You will see the pictures below, see if you can identify some of the flowers.

This inspired me to take some photographs of my walk last night. We walked for an hour and half and met two very friendly rams; we named one Rambo and the other Hornald Schwarzenegger. See if you can spot the animal through the bushes in my second picture. To finish off our walk we were greeted by the most beautiful sunset, with the rich and full colours of burnt orange, ombre and pink; it was truly spectacular.

Did you know that air molecules scatter away the shorter wavelengths of light (violet and blue) and the only light which penetrates through the atmosphere are the longer wavelengths of light (yellow, orange and red) which produce colourful sunsets.
Enjoy this week’s blog and look forward to seeing you all next week.
Comics For You.
We came across some fantastic websites where you can download free comics to keep you entertained during half term. Take a look and enjoy some great stories with your favourite characters from the Marvel Comics and DC Comics.
Your Mum and Dad will remember the Beano comic, they might even enjoy reading some of these stories with you.
Poetry Competition
For the second year in a row, LoveReading is running its ‘The LoveReading4Kids Poetry Prize’ in association with National Poetry Day. You have all probably heard about National Poetry Day. It is the day that we celebrate poetry in all its forms. This year it is on Thursday 1st of October. The idea behind poetry day is that it encourages people to discover and share poetry.
LoveReading4Kids embarks on its second competition for children ages 7- 11 from across the UK. The theme is ‘SeeItLikeAPoet’. The competition is looking for original poems focussed on your poet’s interpretation of Vision.
Lovereading4kids 2020 Competition
Why don’t you take a look at the poetry workshop listed on the website with poet Joshua Siegal?
Good luck!
Katie Jayne’s Interesting Fact
Did you know that Katie Jayne Tutors is part of the giving culture that is B1G1, a fantastic charity that gives to over 400+ projects a year in over 34 different countries? Ten percent of all profits go to B1G1. Here we highlight one of those 400 projects: The Give a Nourishing Meal for a Child project in Cambodia. This project provides a nourishing meal for a vulnerable child in Cambodia for a day at school, preventing a child from dropping out of school simply because of an inability to finance meals. This great cause supplies nutrition to underprivileged children and enables them to be energetic and ready for lessons!
Take a look at some of the other projects that we are proud to help, just click here:
Thought for the Week
See if you can play some words games with your family this week. We play a great game where we tell a story, but the difference here is that each person taking part in the game can only say one word, then it is the go of the next person playing; and so on….. this builds up a great story and always makes us laugh, and you never know where your story will go. Have fun.
Cook’s Corner
Healthy Hummus Snacks
In our senior blog we spoke about how we love to eat hummus. We thought we would share this recipe with you. It makes a fun addition to your afternoon snack time!
1 x 400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
½ lemon, juiced
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp tahini
250g baby carrots
1 pot of parsley
Put the chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and tahini into a food processor and blitz to a smooth consistency. You could ask your older brother or sister to help you, or perhaps you could ask your Mum or Dad. Loosen with 1–2 tbsp water if it seems a little thick.
Wash your carrots and make a hole in the top with a skewer or by cutting a small hole with the tip of a sharp knife, again ask an adult to help you with this bit. Dab a small amount of hummus into the hole and push in a small sprig of parsley.
Spoon the hummus into bowls and push in the carrots. Our children love to dunk carrots, sugar snap peas and crackers into the hummus.
Walk on The Wild Side
We could not believe how many bees we saw while we were out on our walks this week. So many bees all going about their business. See if you can take a photograph of the bees that you see while you are out on your walk. They are very speedy, so you will have to be very quick to catch them on camera.
You will be amazed at how many different types of bees there are, why not look at this bee identification guide and see how many different types of bees live in the UK.
How Many Bees Do We Have in the UK
Did you know that bees play a very important part in natures cycle? I always find it incredible that the bee can even take off when you look at the size of its body and the tiny translucent wings that carry it through the air. Bees are key during the warmer months; they do so much more than just fly about buzzing. They have an incredibly important part to play in keeping our planet stable. Where trees and woods are essential to filter our air, bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife.
So next time you see a bee, remember all the good things that he or she is doing for our planet. Here is a good tip on how you can help our bees. Ask your family for an unwanted flat bowl, it could even be a plate. It needs to have very shallow sides, fill this with tiny pebbles or marbles and then fill the bowl with water, but only half-way up the side of the pebbles. Bees struggle to find places to drink from, your bee waterer will give them a safe place to stop and refresh before they carry on with their journey. Give it a go.
Educational Activity
Join the BBC’s Karate Cats in their Math challenges, click the link.
English – Spelling
Because it is half term, we thought you might like a small break, we thought it might be nice to hear someone else read to you. Click the link to hear the Railway Children read by Sarah Ovens.