You could complete this week’s writing competition with a friend.
Why not do this week’s competition with a friend? If you love food, why not enter the Young Food Writer of the Year competition in partnership with the Guild of Food Writers. With your friend, write a short story around the theme of ‘Food and Heroes’. Your hero could be anyone as long as you write about the role that food plays in their life.
For example, do you have a family member who always makes you a wonderful birthday cake each year or perhaps makes you a warming soup when you are feeling unwell. Whoever it is – write all about it!
The competition is divided into three different age categories, each with their own word limit.
10 and under – 250 words
11-14 – 500 words
15-18 – 750 words
There will be a winner and a runner-up in each category. Please include the word count at the end of your story, this includes the title of the piece. GOOD LUCK!
When you’ve finished your story, send it by email to this address or to The Week Junior, Dennis Publishing, 31-32 Alfred Place, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7DP by the 30th June. All entries must include your name and age, as well as the address, email address and phone number of your parent or guardian.
The winning entries will receive:
An invite to the prestigious Guild of Food Writers Awards ceremony in October. There will be a tea party beforehand to give prizes out.
£100 book token per category winner.
A bundle of cookery books per category winner.
A certificate per category winner.
Name in the awards brochure per category winner.
For the 10 and under and 11-14 category winners: The winners’ stories will be featured in The Week Junior. They will also win a visit to The Week Junior office and a year’s subscription to The Week Junior.
One runner up per age group will win a £25 book token and will be invited to the October awards ceremony.
Good luck!

Katie Jayne’s Interesting Fact
There are some very interesting facts out there and I wanted to share a few with you from time to time. Some of these really made me laugh…
Did you know?
It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow.
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
A shrimp’s heart is in its head.
It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

Thought for the Week
To keep in touch with your friends, why not join the Katie Jayne Book Club together. Each month we will be looking at a different book and then chatting about it. Or you could set up your own book club with your own friends. Choose a book to read, spend the month reading it and then organise a Zoom call with your friends to chat about the characters in the book and which parts of the book you enjoyed and why.
This month we are going to choose the book ‘Open Very Carefully’ by Nick Bromley. Click the link here to either listen and watch or just read by yourself. Then we can chat about it next month. We will be interested to see what you think.
Open Very Carefully